Who remembers a 1980s rock band called Scandal? They did a song called Goodbye to You that was actually pretty good. That song echoes my sentiments regarding winter precisely. We just had our first snow storm in a couple months this past week. It wasn’t much, but enough to cause some minor havoc. And with that I am officially done with winter. I say, “Winter… goodbye to you!”
This time of year is the toughest time to shoot, in my opinion, because everything looks so dull and dreary. The snow that is on the ground is lackluster and unappealing. It’s really the best time of year to catch up on photo processing, since there’s not a whole lot to shoot.
I also like the idea of doing some indoor experimenting with still life, cut flowers, and so on. I have some ideas that involve props and backgrounds that could come out quite nicely. I also want to do some experimenting with photo stacking.
This shot was taken near Palo, Iowa, on a back road. One of those days where I was driving along and had to stop and see what I could do with the scene. Chances are that I will never sell this shot, and it will probably never end up on my wall, but it does have a nice look to it regardless. Sometimes the lesson is simply the enjoyment of the art.
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