If you remember the photos of the farm near Dundee that I posted on 6/25/2017, and of the winding road in Backbone State Park that I posted on 6/23/2017, you’ll begin to catch a theme here. This photo, of the clock tower of the Delaware County Courthouse in Manchester, Iowa, was taken on the same road trip, and was also taken with my Pentax 67II medium format camera.
As I was pulling into Manchester I spied the clock tower across town and made a side trip to go look. It was a little later in the morning than would have been ideal. The scenery at ground level I thought was distracting, so I decided to isolate the clock tower itself. The lamp post, which is actually across the street, added a nice piece on interest and context to what otherwise would probably have been a boring photo. I also used a circular polarizer filter to help bring out the deep blue in the sky.
The richness of the colors, and the perspective, have always appealed to me. Is it surprising that this one hangs on my wall, as well? Seems this was quite the productive road trip.
This one is always nice to look at. You don’t get used to seeing it and stop really seeing it. It stands out and catches my eye regularly. I am glad you used this in your blog.