Maybe it’s just me… it often is… but one of the harder things about maintaining a blog like this is remembering which photos you’ve showcased and which ones you haven’t. I’m pretty sure you haven’t seen this one, though. And also while this site is now primarily focused on Iowa photography, I like to talk about some other stuff, especially some of my California work that otherwise doesn’t have a platform. Between West Sacramento and Rio Vista runs State Hwy 84, which is something if a secondary highway, and is mostly unsigned. It’s actually a quicker route between those two cities, but with a small ferry in the route is not necessarily optimal for major traffic.
One day I was going home from West Sacramento to Isleton and spied this scene. Having my camera with me I had to stop… with the obligatory screeching from 60-to-zero and an ‘interesting’ u-turn. I thought it was very interesting and with a lot of history. History that is probably mostly lost and forgotten, sadly. There was a small airfield nearby, used most for crop dusters now as it is a heavy agricultural region, but you could tell its flying days were coming to an end… if they hadn’t already ended.
There were some things with this scene that were distracting, so I had to compose more closely to avoid them. I used a circular-polarizer filter to help bring out some of the colors and deepen the blue sky. I like this shot. It has the aviation history and the current use as just a barn. You just know there’s a sory… maybe many.
This shot was taken in roughly 2003 or 2004. I have no idea if it still stands.
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I really like this shot! I don’t remember if I have seen it before but I am glad I have now. Yes, it does tell a story and it leaves you with a laid back kind of feeling. I like it!
I like it.