At the end of last winter I swore no more winter photos, as I was sick of winter and desperately wanted spring to come. Unfortunately spring in Iowa lasts about three weeks, then right into summer. One thing I do miss about California is that spring starts roughly in mid-February, everything starts getting warm and green in March, and it lasts into May for a couple months. That was nice, and that I miss.
So here I am, at the end of June, where the days have been hot and humid, going thru some old photos, trying to find something “new” to process, and wouldn’t ya know it… a winter photo sticks out at me. Then again, it’s hard to pass up a good silhouette. I’m a sucker for them.
This particular photo is from the same shoot that I have a couple other photos here, just a different perspective, more zoomed in. I like the lone tree aspect. A lonely tree in the wilderness. The starkness of the surrounding area. If you look closely there’s a fence on the ridge in the background. I can’t explain why, but that little aspect right there completes the photo for me.
This is on a farm near Ely, Linn County, Iowa. I already have another spring shot of these trees, but I need to go back again.
Yes, winter is hard to find the beauty, but you did it. Not the first time and won’t be last. I believe this is a photo that someone would be pleased to hang on their wall. That is something to measure by. Love it!