It’s no longer so cold, but it was a rough winter there for awhile. We had six or eight weeks of just bitter cold and lots of snow. Every time I turned around I had to get out the snow blowers and clear the sidewalk and driveway.
As you probably remember, this is the same shot as one of my most popular photos that I took about 10 years ago. This one was also on the way home from our weekend road trip in early February. For most of the weekend I really wasn’t all that motivated to shoot, then on the way home I started seeing scenes and started getting motivated. First was the wind turbines, as showcased in the last post. We still had the last half of the drive to go, though, so I started thinking about a shot I’ve been wanting to redo for a long time, and I wanted to do it in winter, and… hey, it was winter. What an opportunity! This was my chance.

Here’s the original photo. Virtually identical, just different seasons. I love “then-and-now” photos… along with aerial photos. I can stare into them for hours and pick out the similarities and differences. I want to see what changed. I want to see what stayed the same.
In this scene there’s not much that has changed, but given the different season some things are revealed that you couldn’t see before. For example, I had no memory that there was a farm house across the road from the barn. Yet when the foliage is gone, there it is.
Did anyone else notice that the two grain bins are no longer there by the two silos? That’s a significant change? How about the tree along side the road being bigger? Not a surprise, of course, we all know trees grow. If you look real close in the new photo you can see some cows near the barn. I always wonder how aware they are of the cold, or if it’s something that ‘just is’.
Maybe this spring or summer I’ll go introduce myself to the owner and see if I can walk around the farm and take some more intimate shots. That would be fun. This farm could almost be my ‘project farm’. We all need a project of some kind.
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